As per Paul's request, and in accord with Leon's preference, here's an
example from my lab:
We are provisionally calling our uncloned briggsae tra alleles
Cb-tra(nm__), where "nm__" is our lab-specific allele code and allele
number, as has been suggested by others. In the case where we suspect we
have multiple alleles of a single uncloned gene, we like the idea of using
letters as provisional place-holders, e.g. Cb-tra-a(nm9). Alleles later
shown to be mutations in already-described orthologues of elegans tra genes
would be converted, e.g. to Cb-tra-1(nm2), but others would retain their
letter. This enables us to accomodate without confusion genes with no
clear elegans homologue, or a homologue that isn't sex-related in elegans.
Eric S. Haag, Ph.D. ~
Assistant Professor ~
Department of Biology ~ ~
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742 ~ ~ ~
phone: (301) 405-8534 fax: (301) 314-9358 ~ ~
"I'd rather be here now."
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